"Love Me" by Fia
Fia "Love Me" Music Video
Production Co / Visionize Media
Cast / Fia Esene, Leia Van Haff, Jewelyn Lui
Ex Prod / Klandon Fetaui
Prod/Dir/Edit / Antonio Agosto
DP / Sherwin Acidera
AC / Blake Abes
Gaffer / Keoki Smith
Key Grip / Xavier Figueroa
AD / Ethan Hubbard
SA / Gus Harrington
Wardrobe / Olivia Turner & Sarah Scoville of Niu Hawaii
HMU / Meileen Ramos
Location / Mike & Karla Rompel
BTS / Jarett Blake
Sponsor / Ray Pulu
Special Thanks / Lehua Holt-Colleado, Christian Kelii, Hawaii Camera, Andrew Tran
Production Co / Visionize Media
Cast / Fia Esene, Leia Van Haff, Jewelyn Lui
Ex Prod / Klandon Fetaui
Prod/Dir/Edit / Antonio Agosto
DP / Sherwin Acidera
AC / Blake Abes
Gaffer / Keoki Smith
Key Grip / Xavier Figueroa
AD / Ethan Hubbard
SA / Gus Harrington
Wardrobe / Olivia Turner & Sarah Scoville of Niu Hawaii
HMU / Meileen Ramos
Location / Mike & Karla Rompel
BTS / Jarett Blake
Sponsor / Ray Pulu
Special Thanks / Lehua Holt-Colleado, Christian Kelii, Hawaii Camera, Andrew Tran
"I'm Gonna Love You" by Josh Tatofi